Learn more about Apollo 21

Our rigorous, standardized process allows us to deliver highly performant, conversion-focused, affordable websites in days. Here’s how it works...

Mission Schedule:


Onboarding Questionnaire

Share the details of your project, your company, and your conversion goals. Once we have your info, we’ll schedule you for an onboarding meeting.

Onboarding Meeting

Meet with a Launchpad team member to discuss the details of your project and finalize the services required. This is your chance to ask any questions about how we work and what the process is like.

The Boring Paperwork

We’ve discussed and documented your website needs in detail. Next, the Launchpad team will send a contract and invoice. In addition, the Launchpad team will provide you a discrete checklist of materials needed to begin your site build. We’ll ask you to collect assets like logos, images, inspiration clippings, and copy for your new website.

Note: Launchpad build contracts must be paid up-front and in-full. Once paid, Launchpad projects are non-refundable.

Materials Gathering

Once your materials are gathered, the countdown begins!

Note: We can not begin building your website until you've provided the necessary materials. Any target delivery dates discussed during onboarding are contingent on the timely delivery of materials.


Design is an optional add-on feature of your Launchpad build. The Design process is billed in one-week increments.

Design Technician Begins

A Launchpad Design Technician reviews your materials, inspiration clippings, and website goals and begins laying out your website.

Design Review

Mid-way through the Design of your Launchpad build, you’ll have a review with your Design Technician. This is your opportunity to ask questions, offer feedback, and fine-tune the design direction of your website build. Note: Drastic changes in design direction that deviate from your submitted materials will extend the timeline of your build and result in additional design costs.

Design Iteration

After the Design Review, your Design Technician will complete the layout of your website including changes discussed during your review meeting.

Asynchronous Design Approval

At the end of the design process, the Launchpad team will contact you with finalized designs for your approval.


Build Technicians Execute Your Website

Relax, your website is in good hands. There are no scheduled meetings during build week. Our Technicians will reach out to you if they have any questions about your website build that haven’t been answered yet.

Quality Assurance Testing

Once your Launchpad website build is complete, our Technicians conduct thorough testing to ensure that everything works and displays as-expected.


Hand-off Meeting

Following build week, the Launchpad team will schedule your Hand-off Meeting. During this meeting, the team will review your site build with you and introduce you to the Launchpad Resource Library which will help you keep your site up-to-date. Your site will be delivered in a staging state meaning it isn’t publicly available yet.

Website Launch

Once you’ve reviewed your website carefully, it’s your job to end the countdown and press the Launch button! You can make your site public immediately during the Hand-off Meeting, or you can hold off for further review — the choice is yours.

Ongoing Maintenance & Support

Houston, We Have No Problems!

Every Launchpad website build is automatically enrolled in a monthly subscription covering ongoing maintenance and support along with access to our resource library. Our team will continually monitor to ensure all systems are go, all the time. If you have questions, simply reach out to our support team.

Earn Referral Bonuses

We’re confident that you’ll be happy with your Launchpad build — so much so that we’ll give you a free month of Maintenance & Support for every referral you make who signs up for their own Launchpad build.

Are you ready to launch?

Let us start your Launchpad site today.